Article in Dîvân: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Dr. Ahmet Selami Çalışkan

It is commonly accepted that modern science emerged as a uniquely Western epistemological structure that served to regulate the practical demands of modern society following the industrial revolution. This study adopts a different perspective, looking to the societal and class background of the developments in the field of natural philosophy in Europe in the 16th century. The study argues that these played a key role in the construction of ontological trust and mechanical arts in the period. The problem of symbolic perception regarding the external world enabled experimental science and mechanical arts to emerge through a single channel and to produce case-appropriate information. This channel endured because of the solidarity between the bourgeoisie and artisans who took an active role in the new order. As a result of this process, a rationally verifiable epistemological order arose, transforming mindsets and leading to the rise of modern techne.

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